Contact Us
Here, you'll find some of the most common reasons people reach out to us. Please choose the item that most closely matches your inquiry.
I wish to inquire about a position at UPS.
I have recently submitted a job inquiry and have a question about the status of the inquiry.
I have recently completed an application and have a question about the status of the application.
I have completed a profile and have questions about how to make updates to my profile.
I have a question about an interview or tour that I am already scheduled for.
I have a general question about completing a job inquiry.
I have recently completed a profile and am experiencing difficulty with completing my application.
I am experiencing technical difficulty with this site.
I am a former employee of UPS and have an inquiry about my rehire status.

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Application Process
If you have recently completed, or are attempting to complete, a job inquiry and have a general question regarding your submission, please contact us via this form: