

Retail Stores

NAPA Auto Parts Stores

Everything we pride ourselves on as a company is fully represented in our stores, by each of our employees. Every aspect of our industry plays a major role each business day: Purchasing, distribution, marketing, merchandising, and customer service.

NAPA Auto Parts Stores are strategically important to us as we continue to evolve as a business. In the past, we mostly focused on the wholesale aspect of the parts business, but through improved locations and up-to-date presentation techniques, we are now trying to capture a larger share of the retail market.

Several job opportunities exist within our stores. Drivers deliver parts from the store to the end-use customer. Counter Persons assist customers on the phone and in-store, to ensure they leave with the right part from our 320,000-item inventory. Outside Salespeople represent one or more stores and call on customers within a three-mile radius of the store. Assistant Managers help the Store Manager ensure that the store exceeds customer expectations in every situation. Besides having opportunities for promotion to larger-volume stores, management employees can look forward to potential growth at the Regional or Divisional levels.



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